Below are the contents of our Contract of Accountability, what will be expected of you.
Please read through it before you make a decision to join this session

Welcome New Member,

The P.O.W.E.R. group would like to congratulate you on your decision to take action regarding your recovery.  We have no doubt that you will be amazed before you are halfway through.  However, this 12 Step Workshop will take some serious effort on your part.  Please do not let this discourage you. Your P.O.W.E.R. sponsor, as well as your new P.O.W.E.R. sisters will be there to support you throughout the course of this workshop.

Make no mistake about it… This is NOT an AA meeting; it is a 12 Step Workshop.  Each session is 18 weeks long.  If you are not yet ready to dedicate yourself to work the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous you are in the wrong place!

The registration cost to attend the workshop is $30.00 (Non-Refundable, paid via the Venmo app or when you pick up your binders). This fee covers our rent (to hold the place for our location when we return in to in person meetings) and necessary operating supplies.  There is no profit made from this fee.  The cutoff date to pay registration is Monday Jully 18, 2022.

The following is a review of what will be required of you during the course of this workshop:

  1. You will be required to attend the meeting that is held every Monday night. The meeting begins promptly at 6:00 p.m. and will end at approximately 7:30 pm.  This P.O.W.E.R. session will finish on Monday June 6, 2022 We will NOT meet on the holidays listed below — START TIME: 6:00-7:30PM
  2. You are required each week to be on time. You should also have your Big Book and your Binder handy for quick reference to any provided P.O.W.E.R. documents. Binders/inserts will be provided.

  1. Each week you will be informed as to what homework needs to be completed prior to the next meeting.  You can also find each week’s homework on the schedule that is in your binder.

  2. During each meeting, we will listen to audio CD’s by Joe and Charlie, specifically designed to assist in working all 12 steps and understanding the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.  In agreement of this contract of accountability, if you arrive after 6:00 p.m., and before the CD has begun, you will be marked late. If you arrive after the CD has begun, you will be marked absent and expected to listen for the entire meeting. (Meeting closed at 7:30pm)

  3. If you are going to be out, call (do not text or Facebook message) Miss Tammy, prior to the beginning of the meeting.  If you fail to call Miss Tammy prior to the beginning of the meeting, you will be asked to leave the groupNo call, no show is an automatic dismissal.  Each woman will be allowed three absences and three lates during this session.  On the fourth absence or late, you will be asked to leave the group.  For your benefit, you will not be allowed to miss two meetings in a row.  The reading homework that is required each week must be completed each week.  All sponsors will check to see that it is done.

  4. It is your responsibility to make arrangements with your P.O.W.E.R. Sponsor to make up the missed CD and any other work ASAP. Your Sponsor is responsible for downloading/checking in/out the CD’s, listening to them with you, and informing you of the homework (reading/writing) assignment that is due the following week. If your Sponsor is unavailable to make up the CD with you, she is expected to find a sponsor to meet with you. If you do not complete the missed assignment, prior to the next meeting, you will be asked to leave the group. Contact Alicia Johansen (408) 373-7487 for any questions or concerns regarding the CD.

  5. Sponsorship-Each woman is required to check in weekly with her Sponsor/Sponsee, which will enable a healthy and trusting relationship to develop.  The Sponsor that you get inside of P.O.W.E.R. is to help you get through the 12 steps that are outlined in the Big Book and to assist you in any way that she can. By no means is the woman who sponsors you through P.O.W.E.R. to supersede the direction that your outside Sponsor gives you.  If you are having an issue with your Sponsor/Sponsee, contact Julee or Miss Tammy at to work it out.

  6. You will not be allowed to fall behind in the group or jump ahead of the reading or writing assignments that are given.  If you are not willing to do the required work, you will be asked to leave.

  7. Staying Clean and Sober is Mandatory! - If your addiction is other than drugs or alcohol you must define and establish a recovery date from your addiction whatever that may be. (i.e., food, gambling, Al-Anon, etc.)  In addition, you must also define with your sponsor what a relapse means.  If you relapse, you will be asked to leave. You are welcome to return at a later session when you are ready.

  8. If a P.O.W.E.R. Sponsor is found in breach of this contract, she will be asked to leave the group and her Sponsee(s) will be reassigned to a new P.O.W.E.R. Sponsor.

We must stick to the rules in this contract in order to be successful!

By now it should be obvious that P.O.W.E.R. takes the business of working and living the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous seriously.  We want to continue our recovery from the disease of alcoholism and addiction and learn to live a better life.  You will not be asked to do anything that does not come straight from the Big Book.  Take comfort in the fact that what is discussed in our group stays in our group!  We ask for every woman’s cooperation with this. If an issue should arise, please resolve it within the P.O.W.E.R. group. It is imperative that a safe place for all women who attend, be maintained at all times.

Please Remember:

Protecting the confidentiality of each woman is of the utmost importance!

Welcome to P.O.W.E.R. - We are happy to have you here!!


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